About Us

A chance conversation in a field at a festival, led to us forming Kreate Clear Space, born from our passion for clutter clearing. Through sharing our experience, we have worked together to develop decluttering techniques and processes that we believe are transferable, practical and gentle.

Clutter clearing isn’t just about emptying cupboards and throwing things away, it is often a very personal journey, calling for compassion and empathy. We hold space for people to feel comfortable, to be heard and understood.

 Our aim is to help as many people as possible to shift the stagnant energy that clutter creates, unlock their creativity, inspire ideas for repurposing their things, and open the door to new opportunities.


Stick person Emma

Meet Emma

Having lived in a variety of different locations, including in different countries, I have been a life-long declutterer, using the opportunity of each move to take stock of my belongings. I decide what should move with me and what no longer has a purpose or current use in my life and therefore needs to go, whether that was through selling on eBay, doing a car boot sale or donating to charity. At times it has been harder than others depending upon the particular stage in my life and I recognise that the longer you stay in one place, the more likely it is for clutter to accumulate, unless we have regular reviews of our ‘stuff’ or decisive action is taken. Without recognising what I was doing at the time I also enjoyed moving the furniture around in a room and realise now that it was shifting stuck energy in a space, thereby creating more flow and movement in my life.

My previous work has been largely office based and I became very aware early on in my life of how a clear working space benefitted not only clearer thinking but also my productivity.

I am not a minimalist in any sense of the word! However, one of the happiest times in my life was when I went travelling the world for 2 years with just a backpack of my possessions. Even though over the course of the 2 years some of the possessions changed, it was the sense of freedom and possibility that having so few possessions still excites me. I have also been inspired by the work of other people such as Karen Kingston, Denise Linn and Dr Christiane Northrup which has aided my understanding of how the things we hang on to, whether that be our possessions, our thoughts or beliefs or even out-dated relationships can hold us back from creating our best lives.


Meet Kirsty

Stick person Kirsty

I have had a life long desire to regularly declutter, spring clean, tidy, and reorganise. I recall having fun with my mum when we decluttered together. It would often be spur of the moment, getting straight to it and not resting until it was done, sometimes working into the small hours of the night. Emptying cupboards, sorting through everything, rearranging furniture, and most importantly, laughing a lot. The feeling of accomplishment was huge. We didn’t have much money, so moving things and giving everything a good clean made the rooms feel like new again.

Until recently, I never made the connection between the clutter we have and the energy we use holding on to it, the heaviness it can make you feel, the time you can waste looking for things, the stagnation it can cause.  No wonder I always feel lifted and lighter after a spring clean, the energy shift is amazing!

Working with Emma and Soraya to build a clutter clearing business is a fantastic opportunity to help other people whilst doing something I’m passionate about.


Stick person Soraya

Meet Soraya

One of my earliest memories is tidying the house with my mum while listening to music. I remember days when she would decide that her bedroom needed “clearing” and she would go through her belongings, getting rid of anything that no longer served her, shifting all of her furniture around and cleaning anything that needed to be cleaned. As soon as I was at an age when I could start doing this in my own room, I did. Whenever I felt a bit stuck or that something needed to change, it would be a bedroom “clearing” day and by the end of it, and maybe after a nice shower,  I would feel refreshed, more clear minded and accomplished. It had been a very productive day, I had successfully taken control of what I could to make myself feel better.

As a 12 year old I knew I obviously couldn’t just move to a beautiful house in Greece, however I could remove any toys, trinkets and clothes from my life that were no longer serving me and only taking up space in my room. Letting go of “things” has become more and more important to me.

I’m not sure if I’d call myself a minimalist, some things I have kept simply because I love to look at them. That being said I am certainly picky with what I bring into my world, what stays and what goes. Generally, the less I have, the freer I feel. This is why I love clutter clearing. I want to help people to experience that sense of freedom.